Today I begin my new blog and my first blog. This is a way for me to keep an account of my beekeeping successes and failures. And if anyone get help form it, that would be a plus. Yesterday, I completed building new hive stands and started moving hives 3 feet at a time till I get them where I want them. (Bottom right picture)
This is not my own design and the height may be higher than most people like them at 20" but for me, I thought it was a very good design for 2 reason with the hive on the stand if and animal such as a skunk or opossum places its paws up to look at the hive it exposes it underbelly to the bees, bad for them. and the space between the front rail and back rail is just right to place rack in between while working on them. Bottom left picture is a pictures of my 3 hives sitting on new hive stand after their first 3 foot move on the journey of 75 feet to the wood line. Center right picture is their final destination. As you can see there is a little bit of clean that needs to be done in this area before they get there. Top right is a picture of the new nuc I got Friday I added another deep to the top and a top feeder. My goal is to have this built to a full hive of bees before winter, and I think it can be done always think positive. Top left picture is of one of two new vitex bushes I got in a barter deal for some dried tobacco yesterday. We use tobacco to help control mites and hive bettles. They can't take the tobacco smoke but the bees can. Today I need to set out the bushes and move bees another 3 feet. For the rest of this week hope to build 3 top feeded for the rest of my hives. Plans for winter are building nuc boxes and deeps for expansion in 2009. Anyway thats it for today. I hope I learn how to do pictures better before next post
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